RFNoC 4 Migration Guide

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The UHD 4.0 release includes a major upgrade to the RFNoC framework called RFNoC 4. This article is a guide to aid users in migrating their existing RFNoC blocks from RFNoC 3 to RFNoC 4. The RFNoC Block Development Environment section provides guidance on how to setup an environment for developing out-of-tree RFNoC blocks in RFNoC 4. The UHD, FPGA, GNU Radio Migration sections provide general information on topics that most users will encounter when migrating their blocks. Finally, an equivalent RFNoC 3 and RFNoC 4 implementation of a digital gain RFNoC Block has been provided as a reference.


Dependencies (Ubuntu 20.04)

 sudo apt-get install autoconf automake build-essential ccache cmake cpufrequtils doxygen ethtool \
 g++ git inetutils-tools libboost-all-dev libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev \
 libusb-dev python3-dev python3-mako python3-numpy python3-requests python3-scipy python3-setuptools \
 python3-ruamel.yaml libtinfo5 libncurses5

Vivado 2019.1 Design Edition

Please reference to Xilinx (xilinx.com) for installation instructions.

Note: The dependencies step above included installing libtinfo5 libncurses5, which is a workaround for getting Vivado 2019.1 to run on Ubuntu 20.04

UHD 4.1

 git clone --branch UHD-4.1 https://github.com/ettusresearch/uhd.git uhd
 mkdir uhd/host/build; cd uhd/host/build
 cmake ..
 sudo make install

GNU Radio 3.8

Note: If your design does not use GNU Radio, then installing GNU Radio and gr-ettus is not required

 git clone --branch maint-3.8 --recursive https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio.git gnuradio
 mkdir gnuradio/build; cd gnuradio/build;
 cmake ..
 sudo make install

Please refer to the GNU Radio Build Instructions for dependencies and a more detailed description.


 git clone --branch maint-3.8-uhd4.0 https://github.com/ettusresearch/gr-ettus.git gr-ettus
 mkdir gr-ettus/build; cd gr-ettus/build;
 cmake -DENABLE_QT=True ..
 sudo make install

RFNoC Block Development Environment

Two options exist for developing RFNoC blocks depending on whether the your RFNoC block integrates with GNU Radio in an out-of-tree module or if it only uses UHD’s C++ API in a standalone application. The sections below outline how to setup the development environment for each scenario.

Migrating a GNU Radio Out-of-Tree Module

The tool rfnocmodtool automates the process of creating GNU Radio out-of-tree (OOT) modules that also have support for RFNoC blocks. This tool is part of gr-ettus and it has been ported to RFNoC 4.

Due to changes in almost every source file, it is recommended to use rfnocmodtool to generate a new RFNoC block from scratch and then update the generated “skeleton” files.

Creating a RFNoC Block with rfnocmodtool

The following steps show how to create an OOT module called example and RFNoC block called gain using rfnocmodtool. The naming is only for example purposes.

 rfnocmodtool newmod
 Name of the new module: example
 cd rfnoc-tutorial
 rfnocmodtool add
 Enter name of block/code (without module name prefix): gain
 Enter valid argument list, including default arguments: (leave blank)
 Add Python QA code? [y/N] N
 Add C++ QA code? [y/N] N
 Block NoC ID (Hexadecimal): (Enter Noc ID of your block)
 Skip Block Controllers Generation? [UHD block ctrl files] [y/N] N
 Skip Block interface files Generation? [GRC block ctrl files] [y/N] N

Note: Noc IDs have been reduced from 64-bits in RFNoC 3 to 32-bits in RFNoC 4

The following are the relevant files that need to be updated when migrating your RFNoC Block.

         example_gain.block.yml           – RFNoC Block GNU Radio Companion YAML file
         gain.grc                         – Example flowgraph using gain RFNoC Block
         gain.h                           – GNU Radio block C++ header
         gain_block_ctrl.hpp              – RFNoC Block Controller C++ header
         gain_impl.cc                     – GNU Radio block C++ source
         gain_impl.h                      – GNU Radio block C++ header
         gain_block_ctrl_impl.cpp         – RFNoC Block Controller C++ source
         gain.yml                         – RFNoC Block Description YAML file
         noc_shell_gain.v                 – RFNoC Block Noc Shell Verilog Source
         rfnoc_block_gain.v               – RFNoC Block Verilog Source
         rfnoc_block_gain_tb.v            – RFNoC Block Testbench
         gain_x310_rfnoc_image_core.yml   – Image Core YAML file with gain block

Building OOT module

 cd rfnoc-tutorial
 mkdir build; cd build
 cmake -DUHD_FPGA_DIR=(path to uhd/fpga directory) ..
 sudo make install

Running a testbench

CMake automatically creates makefile targets to run the generated testbench code for each added RFNoC block. For example, here is how to run the gain block testbench:

 cd rfnoc-tutorial/build
 make rfnoc_block_gain_tb

Building a FPGA image

CMake automatically creates makefile targets to build FPGA images using the generated image core yaml files found in rfnoc/icore. Every RFNoC block created by rfnocmodtool automatically has an image core yaml file generated in that directory. For example, here is how to build an FPGA image using the image core yaml file generated for the gain block:

 cd rfnoc-tutorial/build
 make gain_x310_rfnoc_image_core

Migrating a Standalone UHD C++ Application

For applications that only use the UHD API, an example out-of-tree (UHD source tree) RFNoC block exists called rfnoc-example. It is located in the UHD source at uhd/host/examples/rfnoc-example. This directory can be copied outside of the UHD source tree and used a starting point to migrate your RFNoC block.

The following are the relevant files that need to be updated when migrating your RFNoC Block.

         init_gain_block.cpp         – Example C++ application testing gain block
         gain.yml                    – RFNoC Block Description YAML file
         noc_shell_gain.v            – RFNoC Block Noc Shell Verilog Source
         rfnoc_block_gain.v          – RFNoC Block Verilog Source
         rfnoc_block_gain_tb.v       – RFNoC Block Testbench
         x310_rfnoc_image_core.yml   – Example Image Core YAML file
         gain_block_control.hpp      – RFNoC Block Controller C++ header
         gain_block_control.cpp      – RFNoC Block Controller C++ source

Building rfnoc-example

 cd rfnoc-example
 mkdir build; cd build
 cmake ..
 sudo make install

Running a testbench

CMake automatically creates makefile targets to run RFNoC Block testbench simulations. For every RFNoC block subdirectory listed in the CMakeLists.txt file in the rfnoc-example/fpga directory, a target with the RFNoC block name appended with “_tb” is added as a makefile target. For example, here is how to run the gain RFNoC block testbench:

 cd rfnoc-example/build
 make rfnoc_block_gain_tb

Building a FPGA image

CMake automatically creates makefile targets to build a FPGA image for each image core yaml file listed in the CMakeLists.txt file in the rfnoc-example/icore directory. Each image core yaml file must be listed in the CMakeLists.txt. For example, here is how to build an FPGA image using the image core yaml file generated for the gain block:

 cd rfnoc-tutorial/build
 make gain_x310_rfnoc_image_core

Example RFNoC 3 to RFNoC 4 Block Migration

This ZIP archive, File:migration example.zip, contains equivalent RFNoC 3 and RFNoC 4 versions of a digital gain RFNoC Block. The following sections will refer to files in this archive to show how the file structure changes when migrating from RFNoC 3 to RFNoC 4.

UHD Software Migration

Migration reference files for this section from the Gain RFNoC Block example:

Description RFNoC 3 Files RFNoC 4 Files
Block Description rfnoc/blocks/gain.xml lib/gain_block_ctrl_impl.cpp
Block Controller rfnoc/blocks/gain.yml lib/gain_block_ctrl_impl.cpp

Note: Files are relative to the rfnoc-example directory in the respective rfnoc3 and rfnoc4 directories

Noc Script XML Replaced by Block Description YAML

RFNoC 3 used Noc Script XML, a domain specific language, to describe the configuration of a RFNoC block: the Noc ID, register names and addresses, args for writing to the registers, and the input/output ports.

RFNoC 4 replaces the Noc Script XML file with an easier to read and edit Block Description YAML file format. From a high level, the Block Description YAML file serves a similar function as the Noc Script XML file, with some similarities and key differences outlined in table below:

Item Noc Script XML Block Descript YAML RFNoC 4 Notes
Block Name
 module_name: gain
Noc ID
 noc_id: 0xB16

Noc ID are limited to 32-bits



Registers must be defined in the Block Controller



Args are implemented with properties in the Block Controller

Data Ports
     fpga_iface: axis_pyld_ctxt
     clk_domain: rfnoc_chdr
Control Ports


     sw_iface: nocscript
     fpga_iface: ctrlport
     interface_direction: slave


     - name: rfnoc_chdr
       freq: "[]"
     - name: rfnoc_ctrl
       freq: "[]"

Note: For a more detailed description of the RFNoC 4 Block Description YAML syntax and the various options, see the RFNoC Specification.

RFNoC API Changes

Much of the user facing RFNoC software API has not changed or remains very similar between RFNoC 3 and RFNoC 4. The table below outlines some of the notable differences:

RFNoC 3 RFNoC 4 RFNoC 4 Notes
 usrp = uhd::device3::make(...)
 graph = uhd::rfnoc::rfnoc_graph::make()

No longer need to create a device3 object





Used to check static connections, for example the DDC and DUC blocks are usually statically connected to the radio block







Commit graph and run initial checks


Address increments by 4


Address increments by 4


Address increments by 8


Block args replaced with block properties concept


Block args replaced with block properties concept

Block Properties

In RFNoC 3, RFNoC blocks can have arguments (also known as args) that are used to write user registers. This is implemented in the Noc Script XML in the <args> section.

RFNoC 4 expands and generalizes this concept with block properties: a high-level representation of the state of the block. Zero or more properties can be defined by the user in their RFNoC Block’s Block Controller C++ class. When read or written to, they can trigger a callback to a user defined resolver function. The RFNoC Specification provides more details on properties in the “Block Properties” section.

The following shows an example of how to migrate a RFNoC 3 Noc Script XML “arg” based register write to a RFNoC 4 property based implementation in the Block Controller:

RFNoC 3 Noc Script XML snippet

     <check>GE($gain, 0) AND LE($gain, 32767)</check>
     <check_message>Gain must be in the range [0, 32767]</check_message>
     <action>SR_WRITE("GAIN", $gain)</action>

RFNoC 4 Block Controller Class

 // <registers>
 //    <setreg>
 //      <name>GAIN</name>
 //      <address>128</address>
 //    </setreg>
 // </registers>
 // Note: In RFNoC 4, register addresses can start at address 0 instead of address 128 as in RFNoC 3.
 const uint32_t gain_block_ctrl::REG_GAIN_ADDR    = 0;
 const uint32_t gain_block_ctrl::REG_GAIN_DEFAULT = 1;
 class gain_block_ctrl_impl : public gain_block_ctrl
     void _register_props()
         register_property(&_user_reg, [this]() {
             int user_reg = this->_user_reg.get();
             // <check>GE($gain, 0) AND LE($gain, 32767)</check>
             // <check_message>Gain must be in the range [0, 32767]</check_message>
             if (user_reg < 0 || user_reg > 32767) {
                 throw uhd::value_error("Size value must be in [0,32767]");
             // <action>SR_WRITE("GAIN", $gain)</action>
             this->regs().poke32(REG_USER_ADDR, user_reg);
 // <name>gain</name>
 // <type>int</type>
 // <value>1</value>
 property_t<int> _user_reg{"gain", REG_USER_DEFAULT, {res_source_info::USER}};

As the above shows, writing to a register can be replicated with a property and a resolver function. Of course, the resolver function can also be made much more sophisticated. For additional examples, see the in-tree block controllers in uhd/host/lib/rfnoc.

FPGA Migration

Migration reference files for this section from the Gain RFNoC Block example:

Description RFNoC 3 Files RFNoC 4 Files
Block Verilog Code rfnoc/fpga-src/noc_block_gain.v rfnoc/fpga/rfnoc_block_gain/rfnoc_block_gain.v
Block Noc Shell N/A rfnoc/fpga/rfnoc_block_gain/noc_shell_gain.v
Block Testbnech rfnoc/testbench/noc_block_gain/noc_block_gain_tb.sv rfnoc/fpga/rfnoc_block_gain/rfnoc_block_gain_tb.sv
Image Core N/A rfnoc/icores/gain_x310_rfnoc_image_core.yml

Note: Files are relative to the rfnoc-example directory in the respective rfnoc3 and rfnoc4 directories

Noc Shell Changes

RFNoC 4 replaces the highly parameterized RFNoC 3 Noc Shell with a per-block customized Noc Shell generated from the block’s Block Description YAML file. The Noc Shell generated via rfnocmodtool or the existing one in rfnoc-example is acceptable for most blocks that require one input and output data port.

Generating a Custom Noc Shell

Some blocks may need multiple data ports or other modifications. This requires editing the Block Description YAML file and then using the Python script rfnoc_create_verilog.py (found in uhd/host/utils/rfnoc_blocktool) to generate a new Noc Shell instance.

The argument “-c” is used to provide the YAML file location. “-d” provides the output destination directory.

Note: It is suggested to not set the destination directory to your existing RFNoC block code, as the script will automatically overwrite the existing code!

Example usage:

 rfnoc_create_verilog.py -c ./rfnoc-example/rfnoc/blocks/gain.yml -d ./output/

Changing Noc ID without using rfnoc_create_verilog

In the generated Noc Shell Verilog code, a block’s Noc ID can be changed by updating the NOC_ID parameter on the backend_iface module. Make sure this matches the Noc ID in both the Block Description YAML file and Block Controller C++ code.

Goodbye AXI Wrapper

The RFNoC 3 version of Noc Shell outputs / accepts CHDR data packets consisting of a header, optional timestamp, and payload on a 64-bit AXI stream bus. Most designs then used a module called AXI Wrapper to handle the conversion between CHDR data packets and sample streams on a 32-bit AXI stream bus. AXI Wrapper also supported SIMPLE_MODE which for some use cases could transparently handle the header portion of the CHDR data packet. Otherwise, the user would need to set the header via m_axis_data_tuser.

In RFNoC 4, Noc Shell has absorbed AXI Wrapper’s functionality. Noc Shell outputs two AXI stream buses per input / output port: a payload and context bus. The payload bus is in most cases identical to AXI Wrapper’s output: a 32-bit stream of samples on an AXI Stream bus with packets delimited by tlast. The context AXI stream bus carries the header, optional timestamp, and optional metadata. If your block used AXI Wrapper’s SIMPLE_MODE, then you can loop the context bus back into Noc Shell. If not, you will need to modify the context bus data. Refer to the RFNoC Specification for the format and timing diagram of the context bus.

Important Note: If your block used the AXI Rate Change module, Noc Shell has another data port mode to support this use case called axis_data that can be set in the Block Descriptor YAML file (see the fpga_iface entry). This mode causes the Noc Shell data ports to look more like AXI Wrapper’s and therefore makes them compatible with AXI Rate Change. See the DDC, DUC, or Keep One in N RFNoC Blocks for an example.

Settings Bus replaced by CtrlPort

CtrlPort replaces the Settings Bus in RFNoC 4. The CtrlPort bus is similar to the Settings Bus with a few key differences. The table below compares the signaling between the two bus formats and provides notes on any differences. Timing diagrams and additional information on the CtrlPort bus are also available in the RFNoC Specification.

Settings Bus (RFNoC 3) CtrlPort (RFNoC 4) RFNoC 4 Notes
set_stb ctrlport_reg_wr Write strobe
set_addr ctrlport_req_addr 20-bits instead of 8-bits, increments by 4 instead of by 1, no reserved addresses (versus addresses 0-127 for Settings Bus)
set_data ctrlport_req_data Write data
N/A ctrlport_req_rd Read strobe equivalent of ctrlport_req_wr
rb_addr N/A CtrlPort uses ctrlport_req_addr for both read and write addresses
rb_data ctrlport_resp_data Read data, 32-bits instead of 64-bits
rb_stb N/A CtrlPort requires ack strobe for reads and writes

One additional difference when using CtrlPort is that there is not an equivalent Settings Register module. The bus is simple enough to setup a clocked process to handle reading from and writing to registers. See the Verilog example below:

 // Note: Register addresses increment by 4
 localparam REG_USER_ADDR    = 0; // Address for example user register
 localparam REG_USER_DEFAULT = 0; // Default value for user register
 reg [31:0] reg_user = REG_USER_DEFAULT;
 always @(posedge ctrlport_clk) begin
   if (ctrlport_rst) begin
     reg_user = REG_USER_DEFAULT;
   end else begin
     // Default assignment
     m_ctrlport_resp_ack <= 0;
     // Read user register
     if (m_ctrlport_req_rd) begin // Read request
       case (m_ctrlport_req_addr)
         REG_USER_ADDR: begin
           m_ctrlport_resp_ack  <= 1;
           m_ctrlport_resp_data <= reg_user;
     // Write user register
     if (m_ctrlport_req_wr) begin // Write requst
       case (m_ctrlport_req_addr)
         REG_USER_ADDR: begin
           m_ctrlport_resp_ack <= 1;
           reg_user            <= m_ctrlport_req_data[31:0];

Important Note: For blocks that make heavy use of the Settings Bus and/or Settings Registers, there is a CtrlPort to Settings Bus bridge available called ctrlport_to_settings_bus. See the Keep One In N RFNoC Block for example code on how to interface with it.

Testbench Infrastructure

While RFNoC 4 does overhaul the RFNoC 3 testbench infrastructure API, most of the high level concepts remain the same. The table below outlines some of the commonly used RFNoC 3 functions / code and the RFNoC 4 equivalent.

Operation RFNoC 3 RFNoC 4
Setup RFNoC
 RfnocBlockCtrlBfm #(...) blk_ctrl = new(...);

Note: Instantiate one Block Controller BFM per RFNoC Block

Setup Test Cases
Register Read
Register Write
Send Data / Samples
Receive Data / Samples

Building FPGA images using Image Core YAML Files

RFNoC 4 replaces uhd_image_builder, the RFNoC 3 FPGA image building tool, with a new tool called rfnoc_image_builder. This tool produces a FPGA bitstream based on an Image Core YAML file that describes the device configuration (e.g. X310 with dual 10GigE) and included RFNoC blocks along with their connections (both static and dynamic), clocking, and I/O.

Both rfnocmodtool and the UHD in-tree example called rfnoc-example automatically setup make targets to handle running rfnoc_image_builder. If you want to use rfnoc_image_builder directly, more details can be found in the Getting Started with RFNoC in UHD 4.0.

GNU Radio Software Migration

RFNoC 4 supports GNU Radio 3.8 only. Most of your RFNoC Block’s GNU Radio related changes will be due to API differences between GNU Radio 3.7 to 3.8. These changes are outside of the scope of this article. Instead, refer to GNU Radio 3.8 Migration Guide and GNU Radio Companion YAML sites for more information.

Migration reference files for this section from the Gain RFNoC Block example:

Description RFNoC 3 Files RFNoC 4 Files
GNU Radio Block lib/gain_impl.cc
GRC Block Description grc/gain.xml grc/gain.yml
Example GRC Flowgraph examples/gain.grc examples/gain.grc

Note: Files are relative to the rfnoc-example directory in the respective rfnoc3 and rfnoc4 directories

RX & TX Streamer Blocks

When transition between a RFNoC block and a GNU Radio block or vice versa, you must insert either a RX stream or TX streamer block respectively. This differs from RFNoC 3, where a RFNoC block could be directly connected to a GNU Radio block.

rx tx streamer.png

Setting RFNoC Block Properties Directly in GNU Radio

The base class for RFNoC Block’s in GNU Radio have a set of functions that provide a shortcut to getting and setting properties without writing custom class methods. The table below lists the functions.

Property Type Set Property Get Property
Integer set_int_property(...) get_int_property(...)
Double set_double_property(...) get_double_property(...)
Bool set_bool_property(...) get_bool_property(...)
String set_string_property(...) get_string_property(...)

Example code for GNU Radio Companion YAML Block Description file

   imports: |-
     import example
   make: |-
     self.${id}.set_int_property('gain', ${gain})
   - set_int_property('gain', ${gain})