Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
Community-based support channels are hosted on the Freenode IRC network for both USRP and GNU Radio. These channels are generally active and can often be a great way to get live, real-time help. While Ettus Research only provides official support through the usrp-users and discuss-gnuradio mailing lists, and by direct email at "", IRC can be an excellent supplementary support resource. Please note that although Ettus Research is not able to continuously monitor these IRC channels, and cannot not guarantee a timely response via IRC, you will often find people from Ettus Research online, and the members of the community are technical, helpful, and knowledgeable.
IRC is a free, open-source public chat system.
Please see the resources below for more information.
There are two relevant support channels, listed below. Both are hosted on the IRC server
- The #usrp (webchat) channel is aimed at discussions about USRP and UHD.
- The #gnuradio (webchat) channel is aimed at discussions about GNU Radio and SDR signal processing.
There are numerous free open-source IRC clients for all operating systems.
Some specific popular clients are listed below.
- HexChat (
- Irssi (
- WeeChat (
- mIRC (
A list of chat commands is below.