Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) of USRPs and Daughterboards
Application Note Number and Author
AN-666 by Michael Dickens
Ettus Research and NI have documentation with an analysis of the MTBF for certain USRPs and daughterboards. If you would like access to any such documentation, review this NI information and queries about MTBF and then contact Ettus Support with your answers to the queries from that NI webpage as well as noting specifically why you are interested in this information. We will determine on a case-by-case basis whether we have the requested MTBF documentation and, if so, whether to release it -- possibly requiring an NDA for any such release. Note that we do not have MTBF information on all USRPs and daughterboards, and requesting MTBF documentation does not guarantee that either Ettus Research or NI will be able to honor any such request.