Software Development on the E3xx USRP - Building RFNoC UHD / GNU Radio / gr-ettus from Source

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Running RFNoC Fosphor

In order to run RFNoC Fosphor, we will first need to generate the Python file to be ran on the E3xx USRP.

On the Host machine, open GNU Radio:

   $ gnuradio-companion

Within GNU Radio, open the following files:

e3xx rfnoc fosphor 1.png

Select the rfnoc_fosphor_network_usrp.grc flowgraph.

Modify the Variable ip_addr and set the value to match the E3xx USRP's address:

e3xx rfnoc fosphor 2.png

Next, click the Generate the flow graph button. Note the file path in the console where it is generating the is created.

e3xx rfnoc fosphor 3.png

Copy the generated Python file, to the E3xx using the scp utility.

   $ scp /home/user/rfnoc/gr-ettus/examples/rfnoc/ root@
e3xx rfnoc fosphor 4.png

You will now need to SSH to the USRP E3xx.

   $ ssh root@

Verify that the file was copied to your E3xx.

   # ls -al 

Expected Output:

   root@ettus-e3xx-sg3:~# ls -al
   -rwxr-xr-- 1 root root 8980 Jan 15 04:43

Source the Environment Setup file,

   # source ./localinstall/

Next, run Leave this window open in the background.

   # python
e3xx rfnoc fosphor 5.png

Return to gnuradio-companion, select the rfnoc_fosphor_network_host.grc flowgraph, and click the "Execute the flow graph" button.

e3xx rfnoc fosphor 6.png

Maximize the GUI window that has started. RFNoC Fosphor should be running now on the E3xx and be displayed on your host computer. Adjust the Frequency to a strong set of signals, and adjust the Gain slider as needed to produce the best signal to noise ratio for your RF environment.

e3xx rfnoc fosphor 7.png