Suggested Reading
From Ettus Knowledge Base
[hide]Blogs, Websites, and on-line Books
- "Wireless Pi" Blog by Dr Qasim Chaudhari
- "The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to DSP" (free book)
- "Complex to Real" Blog
- "DSP Related" Blog
- "Mathematics of the DFT" (free book)
- "Introduction to Digital Filters" (free book)
- NI Application Note "What is I/Q Data?"
- "Quadrature Signals: Complex, But Not Complicated" by Richard Lyons
- "Quadrature Signals: Complex, But Not Complicated" by Richard Lyons
- Free SDR Book from The MathWorks
- GNU Radio Suggested Reading
Digital Wireless Communications
- Guide to Wireless Communications (3rd Edition) by Jorge Olenewa
- Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice (2nd Edition) by Theodore S. Rappaport
- Wireless Communications from the Ground Up: An SDR Perspective (2nd Edition) by Qasim Chaudhari
- Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications (2nd Edition) by Bernard Sklar
- Digital Communications (5th Edition) by John Proakis, Masoud Salehi
- Digital and Analog Communication Systems (8th Edition) by Leon W. Couch
- Digital Communication Systems Engineering with Software-Defined Radio by Alexander Wyglinski, Di Pu
- Cognitive Radio Communications and Networks: Principles and Practice by Alexander Wyglinski, Maziar Nekovee, Thomas Hou
- Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems (4th Edition) by B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding
- Digital Communication (3rd Edition) by John R. Barry, Edward A. Lee, David G. Messerschmitt
- Digital Communications with Emphasis on Data Modems: Theory, Analysis, Design, Simulation, Testing, and Applications by Richard W. Middlestead
- Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications (2nd Edition) by Simon Haykin, Michael Moher
- Wireless Communications (2nd Edition) by Andreas F. Molisch
- Introduction to Wireless Digital Communication: A Signal Processing Perspective by Robert W. Heath Jr.
- Communications Receivers: Principles and Design (4th Edition) by Ulrich L. Rohde, Jerry C. Whitaker, Hans Zahnd
- Synchronization in Digital Communication Systems by Fuyun Ling, John Proakis
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
- Understanding Digital Signal Processing (3rd Edition) by Richard G. Lyons
- Discrete-Time Signal Processing (3rd Edition) by Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer
- Digital Signal Processing (4th Edition) by John G. Proakis, Dimitris K Manolakis
- Digital Signal Processing in Modern Communication Systems by Andreas Schwarzinger
- Digital Signal Processing 101: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started (2nd Edition) by Michael Parker
- Think DSP: Digital Signal Processing in Python by Allen B. Downey
Software Defined Radio (SDR)
- Software-Defined Radio for Engineers by Travis F. Collins, Robin Getz, Di Pu, and Alexander M. Wyglinski
- Software Receiver Design: Build your Own Digital Communication System in Five Easy Steps by C. Richard Johnson Jr, William A. Sethares, Andrew G. Klein
- Software Defined Radio using MATLAB & Simulink and the RTL-SDR by Robert W Stewart, Kenneth W Barlee, Dale S W Atkinson
Radio Frequency (RF) Electronics/Systems
- RF Microelectronics (2nd Edition) by Behzad Razavi
- Wireless Receiver Design for Digital Communications (2nd Edition) by Kevin McClaning
- Microwave and RF Design of Wireless Systems by David M. Pozar
Amateur Radio and ARRL
- The ARRL 2018 Handbook for Radio Communications
- Software Defined Radio: for Amateur Radio Operators and Short Wave Listeners by Andrew Barron
- An Introduction to HF Software Defined Radio: SDR for Amateur Radio Operators by Andrew Barron ZL3DW