All Pages
From Ettus Knowledge Base
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- /
- 5G NR EVM Measurements with the USRP N320/N321
- About Sampling Rates and Master Clock Rates for the USRP X440
- About USRP Bandwidths and Sampling Rates
- About the Motherboard and Daughtercard EEPROM on USRP Devices
- Additional Resources
- All Pages
- Antennas
- Application Notes
- Aurora
- B100
- B200/B210/B200mini/B205mini
- B200/B210/B200mini/B205mini Getting Started Guides
- BasicTX/BasicRX
- BasicTX/BasicRX Getting Started Guides
- Black Hat
- Building and Installing UHD and GNU Radio in an Offline Environment
- Building and Installing UHD and GNU Radio to a Custom Prefix
- Building and Installing the USRP Open-Source Toolchain (UHD and GNU Radio) on Linux
- Building and Installing the USRP Open-Source Toolchain (UHD and GNU Radio) on OS X
- Building and Installing the USRP Open Source Toolchain (UHD and GNU Radio) on Windows
- CBX Getting Started Guides
- Converting an X310 into an NI-USRP Rio
- Cyberspectrum
- Daisy-chaining PPS via a USRP to another device
- Debugging FPGA images
- Declaration of Conformity
- Direction Finding with the USRP™ X-Series and TwinRX™
- Downloads
- E100/E110
- E310/E312
- E310/E312 Getting Started Guides
- E320
- E320 Getting Started Guide
- Enabling Ethernet Connectivity on Octoclock and Octoclock-G
- Ettus USRP E300 Embedded Family Getting Started Guides
- Ettus USRP E300 Embedded Family Hardware Resources
- Eurecom OpenAirInterface (OAI)
- Experiments with the UBX Daughterboard in the HF Band
- Faq
- Fosphor
- GNU Radio
- GNU Radio Conference
- GPSDO Selection Guide
- Getting Started Guides
- Getting Started with 4G LTE using Eurecom OpenAirInterface (OAI) on the USRP 2974
- Getting Started with DPDK and UHD
- Getting Started with DPDK and USRPs
- Getting Started with RFNoC Development
- Getting Started with RFNoC in UHD 4.0
- Getting Started with UHD and C++
- Gqrx
- Hardware Resources
- How to Upgrade X410-X440 MCU Firmware
- Implementation of a Simple FM Receiver in GNU Radio
- Implementation of an ADS-B/Mode-S Receiver in GNU Radio
- Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
- Interrogating Passive Wireless SAW Sensors with the USRP
- Knowledge Base
- LFTX/LFRX Getting Started Guides
- Legacy Products
- Licensing FAQ
- Live SDR Environment
- Live SDR Environment Getting Started Guides
- Mailing Lists
- Main Page
- Mapping Between ER-USRP and NI-USRP Product Numbers
- Matlab/Simulink
- Matrix
- Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) of USRPs and Daughterboards
- Modifying an X310 Chassis for External LO Sharing
- Multichannel RF Reference Architecture
- N200/N210
- N200/N210 Device Recovery
- N200/N210 Getting Started Guides
- N300/N310
- N300/N310 Getting Started Guides
- N320/N321
- OAI Reference Architecture for 5G and 6G Research with USRP
- OctoClock
- OctoClock CDA-2990
- OctoClock CDA-2990 Getting Started Guides
- OctoClock Getting Started Guides
- OpenBTS
- Open Architecture For Radar and EW Research
- RFNoC-modtool
- RFNoC (UHD 3.0)
- RFNoC 4 Migration Guide
- RFNoC Frequently Asked Questions
- RFNoC Getting Started Guides
- Resolving Audio Codec Enumeration Issues On The E31x
- Running UHD and GNU Radio on NI-USRP RIO
- Running UHD and GNU Radio on NI USRP-RIO
- SBX Getting Started Guides
- SDR Boston Slack
- SDR Events
- Selecting a RF Daughterboard
- Selecting a USRP Device
- Selecting an RF Daughterboard
- Selecting an USRP Device
- Ship Detection with DVB-T Software Defined Passive Radar
- Slack
- Software Development on the E310 and E312
- Software Development on the E3xx USRP - Building RFNoC UHD / GNU Radio / gr-ettus from Source
- Software Resources
- StackExchange
- Streaming processed data from the E31x with GNU Radio and ZMQ
- Suggested Reading
- Suggested Videos
- Synchronization and MIMO Capability with USRP Devices
- Synchronizing Events Using Timed Commands in UHD
- Synchronizing USRP Events Using Timed Commands in UHD
- Technical FAQ
- Technical Support
- The UHD logging facility
- Timed Commands in UHD
- Trade Compliance and Export Control Classification Number (ECCN)
- Training
- Transmitting DVB-S2 with GNU Radio and an USRP B210
- Troubleshooting N310/N320 Device Discovery Issues
- Troubleshooting X300/X310 Device Discovery Issues
- TwinRX
- TwinRX Getting Started Guides
- UBX Getting Started Guides
- UHD Device Eraser and Certificates of Volatility
- UHD Python API
- UHD and USRP User Manual
- USRP-2974
- USRP-2974 Getting Started Guide
- USRP E312 Battery Replacement Instructions
- USRP Host Performance Tuning Tips and Tricks
- USRP N300/N310/N320/N321 Getting Started Guide
- USRP N320/N321 LO Distribution
- USRP N Series Quick Start (Daughterboard Installation)
- USRP Software Licensing
- USRP X410/X440 Getting Started Guide
- USRP X410 Getting Started Guide
- USRP X Series Quick Start (Daughterboard Installation)
- Using B200/B210/B200mini/B205mini on OSX / macOS with UHD
- Using Dual 10 Gigabit Ethernet on the USRP X300/X310
- Using Ethernet-Based Synchronization on the USRP™ N3xx Devices
- Using the RFNoC Replay Block
- Using the RFNoC Replay Block 4
- Using the RFNoC Replay Block 4.0
- Using the RFNoC Replay Block in UHD 4
- Verifying the Operation of the USRP Using UHD and GNU Radio
- WBX Getting Started Guides
- WInnComm
- Workshop Tutorial
- Workshops
- Writing the USRP File System Disk Image to a SD Card
- X300/X310
- X300/X310 Device Recovery
- X300/X310 Getting Started Guides
- X410
- X440
- XCVR2450
- detail/ordering-and-fulfillment-help
- srsLTE/srsUE